Meet Sarah
Origin Story
I started reading tarot cards in middle school. I dressed in my witchiest skirt, wrapped the major arcana in a moody scarf, and read out on the playground at recess. In the decade or so since then, my personal practice waxed and waned. But starting in 2017, global turmoil and sapling adulthood brought with them a new dedication to, trust of, and love for the cards. This took many forms: regular readings for myself, daily Instagram challenges, reading for strangers in bars, and of course an in-depth study of the practice and ever-developing understanding of the craft.
Why Tarot?
Self-inquiry is the core pillar of my practice, whether as a reader, teacher, or in my own personal work. I see tarot as one of many "ways in,” a structured path towards deeper insight into the present moment, its circumstances, and our options for how to move forward.
Ultimately, I believe these cards are pieces of paper with pictures on them. But whether they "work" due to magic, coincidence, projection, or some collective energy that history and repetition has given them, they open a window to our selves that can help us show up for ourselves, our loved ones, our communities, and our shared humanity.
Tarot also offers us a cyclical perspective, in direct opposition to the myth of linearity upheld by and upholding white patriarchy and its many tentacles. This cyclicality shows up in numerology, in the elements, and in splashes of astrology thrown in here and there.
Don't you teach, too?
Sure do. I started offering classes in 2020, beginning with a small group and a vague concept. It went really well, so I kept on going, and have now taught every single card. While group classes went on hold in 2022, Ecstatic Rabbit has a curriculum for the entire deck, which translates beautifully to one-on-one study for those seeking a personalized approach to learning these cards. Plus, stay tuned for a growing library of asynchronous, self-directed courses like Tarot 101: Finding the Fool.
Is that it?
Ha, ha, ha. No. Here's some more:​
I am a theater maker and teacher, with a multi-faceted, body-centered, and philosophical approach to acting and Shakespeare, and a board member at Advice To The Players in Sandwich, NH.
I am currently studying a polyvagal-based approach to artistic mental health in theatrical spaces and industry, with a certification from the Association for Mental Health Coordinators, where I'm also Engagement Coordinator.
I am in ongoing self-directed study of movement, somatic, functional, and expressive, in development of both my theater and my tarot practice and teaching.
I am a junior partner in my mother's architectural color consulting firm, helping folks honor their preferences, pleasures, and psychological needs as we pick paint colors for their homes and business spaces.
I live, love, and loll about in Western Massachusetts.
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