Frequently Asked Questions
How does booking work?​
Booking is currently done by request. Fill out this form to let me know what you're looking for, and I'll get back to you with some available appointments! Once we settle on a date and time, I will send along an invoice. Appointments are confirmed by payment completion.
Do I need to ask a question?​
I encourage clients to come in with a few questions, or areas in which they are experiencing confusion or doubt. I often like to set the intention of a reading around the structure of "What do I need to know about X," or, "What should I keep in mind about Y." Often, after discussing the questions or concerns you bring in, we may find an umbrella question that unites them all-- this is often the case.
How should I prepare for a reading?​​
The most important thing is to bring yourself in a fully present way to the experience--mind, body, and soul. If you have any sort of energetic practice, be it mindfulness, meditation, prayer, or even exercise, I encourage you to engage with that practice with a little extra attention, intention, and love in the days leading up to the reading, and ideally the day of, as well.
Are you going to predict my future?
Probably not. Definitely not on purpose. Fortune telling through tarot is not part of my cultural birthright are not part of my cultural birthright. I like to think of a reading as a very detailed mirror, reflecting back what we may have known about ourselves already but in a new light, or perhaps something we hadn't even considered yet. ​I'm not trying to guess at facts about your life, either. A reading with me is most helpful when it becomes a conversation between you, me, and the cards. All three entities have a lot of wisdom to offer. More on sharing those details further down...
Will I have to share my deepest, darkest secrets?​
A note on the intricacies of your life: I lay no claim to these details. However, the more I know, the more I can help to find thru lines in the reading, and the more certain aspects of a card might pop out with a particular emphasis and clarity. What you share is up to you, and I never want you to feel like you owe me any information. But sharing such details can bring unexpected nuance to a reading, which neither of us could ever have predicted. And of course, whatever comes up is 110% confidential.
What if I don't really "believe" in this kind of thing?
We'll chat a little bit beforehand about what kind of vocabulary you would like to use throughout the session, so don't worry if the language you might think of as being associated with Tarot doesn't resonate! This experience belongs to you, and I place high importance on finding language that will contribute to that experience, rather than distract from it. Some decks depict gendered figures. Some of the symbology calls in traditional religious ideas of the divine. Whether or not these are systems you identify with, I see these encounters as an invitation to dig into the origins behind a societal construct and how that can offer greater clarity in your life!