I don't know how tarot works.
Ritual Coaching
Find ease and insight as you
journey through a threshold in your life.
Ecstatic Rabbit Coaching provides guidance as you structure a way to honor a transition or pivotal moment in your life. Together, we ask questions; we make discoveries; we find clarity and discernment through self-inquiry, awareness, and understanding.
Then we put it all together into a recipe for a ritual that will help you move from one chapter of your life to the next.
Here's how it works:
1. We hold an initial consult, discuss your intentions for this process, and determine whether or not it's a good fit for us to continue work together. If not, we discuss alternate routes that might better align with your goals. But if it is, we will begin to form a game plan, including a rough timeline and the themes we will prioritize.
2. Over a set number of appointments, we will pull apart the details of this ritual, exploring what elements feel most important to hold, finding ideas that may not have originally occurred to you, and slowly zeroing in on a deeply personal, spiritually potent, accessible and inspiring ritual.
3. You do the damn thing. While the ritual itself takes place in solitude, we will create step-by-step guide to help you walk through this event. It includes both ingredients and instructions, ensuring that you have the materials you need and want with you, ensuring that you have a structure that will help you to explore your self and your spirituality in a potent moment of intention, magic, and actualization.
4. We debrief. Meeting once, or several times, we will have an opportunity to discuss how the ritual went and its lasting effects, whether loud or lingering. This is where the integration begins, and your experience can find its way into your day-to-day life cycle.
This offering is rooted in you: your lifestyle, your needs, your circumstances.As your coach, I call on my knowledge of somatics, mythology, meditation, herbalism, visualization, poetry, common sense and more, to support your journey and your inclination​
While each of my clients has a unique experience, all respond to the alchemy of pragmatism and intuition.
Let’s break down these two ingredients. Pragmatism is simple: as a millennial entrepreneur, I know how important it is for you to find applicable shifts to make as you pursue ease, pleasure, and sustainability. Intuition is more personal and more mysterious. It emerges from relationship and exploration. It carries us deep into the psyche and lifts you to new levels of self-understanding.
Let's kick things off with a discussion of what drew you to the practice and how you envision the journey. From there, we brainstorm a structure that will work for you, taking into account your own personal practice, your hopes for outside guidance, your time and financial boundaries, and any other relevant ingredients.