Last week, we covered the what of Tarot 101: Finding the Fool.
Now, let’s get into the how of this one-of-a-kind introductory course.
Here are three details that help paint the picture.
When you enroll in Finding the Fool, you will receive 12 months’ access to 16 videos, each containing a mini lecture on topics covering history, culture, and practice of tarot, from shuffling to buying your own deck to why there are so many Hebrew letters in the Rider-Waite-Smith, and who even are Rider, Waite, and Smith anyway?
You also receive membership to the Ecstatic Rabbit Forum, which is a fledgling online community built for you to connect directly with likeminded readers. All members are students of Ecstatic Rabbit Education, so this provides an arena where folks who share some tarot training can offer the breadth of their unique experience, perspective, and practice in order to learn from one another, and also just have some fun. There is even be a Finding the Fool-specific board built exclusively for past and present participants, with an occasional hello from yours truly!
This may be Ecstatic Rabbit’s the first self-directed course from Ecstatic Rabbit, but that doesn’t mean you’re on your own. Upon purchase, you will have the option to add on a one-on-one session with me. Like individual tarot study, this call will be tailored to your wishes and needs, be it rapidfire Q&A, waxing philosophical, digging deeper into a particular topic, or even discussing a game plan for the next steps in your practice.
Whether you’re a beginner taking your first step into tarot reading, a more experienced student trying to fill in some gaps, or a professional seeking new context for your craft Finding the Fool will leave you with a wider understanding of tarot and greater confidence any time you whip out a deck.
This course launches on July 9. Stay tuned for more details in upcoming emails.
If you already know you want in, sign up for a launch day notification.