This new moon, our collective card is the
The Tower
And because, yikes, I also pulled two oracle cards from Vessel:
Birth and Endurance
Big stuff, y'all. Really really tricky. We're in an astrological season that's all about pleasure and comfort and stability, but still one that comes smack between really tumultuous times. That means you need to integrate in order to prepare, but don't trick yourself into thinking that "integration" or "processing" looks any one way for any one person. It may look like like...
Finding pleasure in the fall.
Yeah, you may be tumbling out of a crumbling structure that no longer serves (not your corporeal form; remember, Major Arcana means spiritual metaphor). But there might be an opportunity to delight in the wind whistling through your hair or turn to see the beautiful Earth rising up to meet your spirit.
It's tricky stuff. So for more, be sure to tune into the podcast on...